Sunday, October 5, 2008

Literary Devices of the week:Alliteration Assonance, and Consonance

This weekend i was going to go hang out with all my friends and go see a scary movie at the mall and be frightened! but it all didn't work out right achu! achu! i sneezed over and over again i was miserable my nose was running and i had the worst head ache i was sicker than a dog. I laid on my couch watching TV all day like a vegetable i wanted something exciting to happen i couldn't stand it any longer. All of a sudden i herd drip drop drip drop it sounded like large golf balls hitting my roof. It started to rain i jumped off the couch like a kangaroo i ran out the door so fast i forgot about the past i was like a airplane ready to take off. I started spinning around in circles singing "Its raining its pouring the old man is snoring." I left the door open and i herd "Pre pre" my little niece standing by the door she gave me a big smile and put her arms up for me to hold her i ran over and picked her up. We went back to the rain we both spun around getting soaked we both started to turn purple like a grape. We ran back inside and sat by the fire while my mommy made us some fresh hot chocolate coco.

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