Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ecological Intelligence

1.Ecological Intelligence is when you make a conscience decision based upon cause and effect to the environment.
2.Why don't people live more sustainably?
People don't live more sustainably because they don't seem to care about the environment. Most people don't take the time or the effort to recycle. The lack of understanding our choices makes people complacent, without awareness of some potential danger.
3. How high is your ecological intelligence?
My ecological intelligence is not very high because I'm not aware of what is used to make the products or clothing that I use. I don't know the effects on the environment or how it can effect the population.


Dominic said...

Hey Capri, I really enjoyed reading your blog. I have to agree with you that my ecological intelligence is not very high because I don't really know what clothes and other things are made out of either. It's cool that you were honest!

Victoria A said...

I agree with you about how people dont care about the enviroment or dont know about it and the y dont try to help out.