Thursday, December 4, 2008

Dialetic journals book7 and book 8

Book 7 page 317

"They were one rumor away from terror and one perceived prodigy from panic."
This quote is talking about how all the bad people and terrified of the big rumor.

Book 7 page 319

"Come back alive this night,roo. I'll get you out to safety in the morning"
This quote is talking about Leonidas and the king is telling the soliders we win the water for him.

Book 8 page 363

"Half the rumers safe has been sheared off, blood dust in sheet from the open bone of his cheer."
This quote is talking about the main character and how he See's the soliders with half of his face torn and cut off.The war was being to get unbelievable crazy.

Book 8 page 362

"At last came the fight,which was like a tide, and withing which one felt as a wave beneath the storming whins of the gods."
This quote is talking about the soilders big final last fight and all of a sudden a big huge wave is crashing into all of the soilders and everyone else.

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