Tuesday, September 2, 2008

A "Hero" In My Eyes

In life there are people I admire but my true Hero will always be God, since that will have to be covered at another time, I have chosen to do this report on a person whom I thouroughly admire, Bianca Ryan. At the tender age of 11 Bianca Ryan had the talent and not to mention the courage to stand up in front of millions of viewers on a show called "America's Got Talent" and truley "Wowed" the judges and all watching. After everyone picking their jaws up off the floor she went on to win that seasons show. She currently has several albums out and is working with the ever so popular Simon Cowell. I want to further go in and explain why I admire Bianca. The reasons I admire her other than what I listed above is because I have always enjoyed singing but have never had the courage to stand up and do it in front of an audience . There have been so many times in my life where I have had the opportunites to do so but have not had the courage to bring myself to that point. When watching someone like Bianca at such a young age accomplish all that she has done already it really encourages not only me but SO many girls my age and younger to really go for what we love to do and not be afraid. There are very few people in life that will never attempt what she has done with the morals and maturity and for that she should be admired by many.

1 comment:

Ms. Charlotte said...

Wow. I've never heard of Bianca, but I'll have to listen to some of her music now. Is there any way that someone might view Bianca as a villian?